87% of Olympia Residents Unhappy with City’s Homeless Response

Candace Mercer Olympia, WA
14 min readJun 13, 2021

77% do not feel safe downtown at night and 70% support increased law enforcement presence

On June 12, 2021 the city of Olympia released the results of their yearly community survey which is designed to inform budget and policy priorities for the coming year.

The top issues are homelessness (84%), public safety (34%), housing affordability/access as well as the local economy and economic development (33%) in general. The discontent is deep and wide, people are upset the council is not paying enough…



Candace Mercer Olympia, WA

Candace is a progressive artist/writer/activist based in Olympia, WA reporting on homelessness & political violence. She ran for Olympia City Council in 2021.